EU Subsidies

Doctor Classic limited liability company is implementing a project entitled

"Increase in Doctor Classic's competitiveness and innovation through the use of innovative technologies in the remanufacturing of old vehicles"

under Priority Axis 1 of the Regional Operational Program - Lubuskie 2020


Objectives and planned effects of the project:  The aim of the project is to implement the results of R&D works, which will contribute to the increase in competitiveness and the ability to provide an improved service of remanufacturing of old vehicles. Thanks to the implementation of the project, the economic situation will improve, increase in quality and escalation in the outlays on the innovativeness of the enterprise as well as improvement in the quality of life for the inhabitants of the region. The subject of the project is the implementation of the results of research and development works. The obtained results of research work will enable the implementation of product and process innovations in the company. The results regarding the optimization of the production chain and innovative technologies for connecting elements of the bodywork of vintage vehicles will be introduced. The effect of the investment will be a fundamental change in the production process, which will result in an improved service of reconstruction of old vehicles. Thanks to the implemented process innovations, it will be possible to offer services of the highest quality, provided faster, more accurately and based on the use of the latest innovative technologies and devices.

Project value: 5 179 530,00 PLN

Contribution of European funds: 2 185 509,00 PLN

The project implemented in the period 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2022.